Moving With

colón & associates

real estate brokerage


Navigating the Market
With You!

At Colón & Associates, we take pride in our commitment to professionalism in achieving the best terms for your real estate sale. Through a combination of expertise, and personalized service, we work efficiently to help you accomplish your goals. Whether it’s marketing your property to the right audience, or helping you acquire the right real estate investment, we make sure you close your real estate deal expeditiously. Working with a team of experienced agents and partners, we work collaboratively to get you the results you want!


Making it Happen

520 Park Avenue, Unit 32, NYC

Residential Condominium Sale
$27,000,000 Off-Market Cash Deal
Closed on August 4, 2022

Representing the purchaser of this transaction, we were able to negotiate numerous terms from price, terms and closing costs, most of which were picked up by the seller. Both seller and buyer were happy with the speed of this transaction from contract to close, where we worked very closely with the title company and the condominium management to get this to the closing table fast.

187 East 80th Street, NYC

Commercial Multi-Family Package Deal
$50,000,000 Off-Market Cash Deal
Closed October 11, 2022

Representing both sides of the transaction, this required diligent efforts at not only arriving at an acceptable price, but also keeping the deal together after some issues with due diligence. A memorable moment occurred at the closing when the seller insisted on receiving certified funds instead of accepting a wire transfer for the proceeds. This led to the title company, also serving as the settlement agent, delivering and issuing certified funds to the closing totaling more than $46 million to the seller for the sale.